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Building Healthy SEO for Cannabis Brands

by | Sep 28, 2020 | Blog | 0 comments

cannabis SEO

CMA Webinar Briefing: Building Healthy SEO for Cannabis Brands

On August 25, 2020,  Moeima Dukuly and Stella Morrison spoke to CMA members on the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) and building healthy SEO for cannabis brands. Morrison operates CannaContent alongside Dukuly who is the Director of Search Strategy. Both speakers have extensive experience with SEO and marketing.

They emphasized that because of the advertising restrictions cannabis brands face, having strong SEO is vital in this marketing niche. Many social media platforms, like Facebook, block and/or restrict cannabis companies from advertising. This makes organic content all the more important.

What is SEO?

Strong SEO means your content is showing up at the top of search results on sites like Google and Bing. When search engine optimization is done correctly, it will drive more consumers to your online content.

The webinar started with a brief explanation of what SEO is. They also explained why having a healthy SEO is vital to bringing more people to an online platform. The better search engine optimization you have, the more likely others will see your online content.

How to Optimize for Cannabis SEO

One of the key points made by the speakers was having relevant content for the search engine ‘crawlers’ to recognize. Informative content, strong user interface, low technical errors, and a strong backlink profile are a few key things for those crawlers to recognize. When the crawlers come upon content that has all these checkpoints, search engines are more likely to push your content to the top of the search page. The speakers went into what each of these topics means and how to best utilize them to build healthy SEO.

Beyond those, keywords are one of the most important topics to understand when it comes to SEO, according to Morrison and Dukuly. The two speakers discussed what an optimal keyword is and how to use it in online content.

Other key topics discussed were URL strength, content length and headlines, domain authority, and link building. The speakers compared domain authority to a popularity score. The better your domain authority, the more popular it is, and more likely it is to show up on the search engines. They also said that link building is a network utility that puts you higher in the search results. Link building is when people are linking to your site and content. The speakers went into detail about optimizing each of these things to have the strongest SEO for cannabis brands possible.

The webinar finished off with a question and answer session where Moeima Dukuly and Stella Morrison answered questions from CMA members. See the above video clip where Dukuly answers a question on how long it will take people to start seeing your content once you start pushing it out with SEO optimization. They also touched on the fact that you can still SEO optimize your old content. This means you can go back and edit old posts, making them more relevant by giving them keywords and optimizing them for SEO.

How to Watch the Webinar

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