Leveraging Content Writing to Maximize your Marketing: A Webinar Brief
Stella Morrison, the CEO and content strategist for CannaContent, recently talked to CMA members over a webinar about cannabis content writing.
Morrison is a former award-winning journalist and has opened two agencies. Her strengths include brand voice development, copy for SEO, thought leadership development, eCommerce, and consumer packaged goods. She brought forward this experience to discuss content writing for cannabis.
What is Content Writing?
Morrison started the webinar by discussing the different types of content. The main types that she focuses on are content writing, copywriting, and SEO writing. Although they have similarities and the lines between them are starting to blur, they each have a different focus.
She then discussed the different forms of cannabis content writing and how to best utilize them in your marketing. Examples of the topics discussed are blogging, eBooks, webinars, guest articles, and email marketing.
How Content Touches All Other Parts of Marketing
According to Morrison, content flows into all aspects of your marketing. The content you publish can make or break your brand message and marketing strategy. Cannabis content writing impacts search engine optimization, website design, copywriting, social media, and brand identity.
She emphasizes the question, “how is your content driving your brand?” You want to make sure any content that goes out relates to the mission-vision of the brand. People realize when content doesn’t act like the brand.
What is Considered Good Content?
Good cannabis content writing will be the perfect combination of informative, relevant, and unique. Morrison went into detail about each of these keys and how they can be applied to your cannabis content and why. Watch the full webinar to learn more.
She then discussed what content is good for cannabis brands. Informative learning content is a good opportunity for cannabis brands, according to Morrison. So little is known about the cannabis industry, so how can you educate people? As a brand, you should not just create content that aims to sell but also aims to educate.
Establishing a voice and thought leadership is also important opportunities for cannabis content writers to take advantage of, according to Morrison.
She then explained the unique considerations to have in mind when creating content for the cannabis industry. These considerations include risk tolerance and claims, brand identity, authority, and local relevance.
Finally, Morrison ended the webinar by explaining content recycling. Content recycling is effectively taking content already used and transforming it into multiple other things and even basing a campaign off of it. She explained how and why to do this.
To watch the full webinar about cannabis content writing, become a CMA member today!